About Us
Who We Are?
Vision Statement
What Makes Us Different From Others?
Reality market is quite dynamic in nature and demands deep study. Several project looks vibrant on face value, but fails to deliver timely possession to end user. As a result, hard earned money of investor takes a sharp hit. In such circumstances, there is dire need for valuable advisory that can help investor about various hidden aspects of property, so that investor is saved from making a wrong decision.
At Plush Homes LLP, we have internal pre-defined checks and systems that we rely upon prior to advising a project to buyer. Proper analysis of project, checking the books of developer, assessing the future viability of the project – are some of parameters that we keep in mind while selecting a property to advice.
Meet Our Expert: Mr. Varun Ahuja
Varun Ahuja, Founder of Plush Homes LLP, is a seasoned real estate professional with an experience of 12+ years. Confident, a natural leader and fuelled by creativity,Varun thrives on navigating the integrate landscape of the industry. Varun’s academic background has honed his analytical and communication skills, providing a solid foundation for success in real estate industry.
Varun is driven by deep passion for providing value for everyone seeking or needing assistance. His excitement to work stems from the belief that a significant impact can be made through innovation, relationship-building and delivering unparalleled value to clients.
Varun is equally passionate about personal growth and providing whatever he can to his clients. Wether exploring culinary delights or learning new skills, he believes in being the best version of oneself Bothe personally and professionally.